


Estonia Telephones :.
Estonia :. Phone Numbers

Telephone numbers in Estonia

Country Code: +372
International Call Prefix: 00

Telephone numbers in Estonia follow a closed telephone numbering plan.

All calls inside Estonia are local; trunk codes are not used.

Landline phone numbers have 7 digits, mobile numbers can have either 7 or 8 digits.

Telephone numbers are portable between locations and operators.

Numbering plan
3xx xxxx Landline
4xx xxxx Landline
6xx xxxx Landline
7xx xxxx Landline
5xx xxxx Mobile
5xxx xxxx Mobile
Example call - How to dial in Estonia? :
 When calling the Estonian number 799 2222:
 *From inside Estonia: 799 2222
 *From other countries: +372 799 2222
Special numbers
110 Police
112 Fire and medical services
Telephone numbers in Estonia General Information and Updated References
Telephone Numbers in Europe